Season 1 Episode 10: Dunari Junk Mail

In this episode I am officially introduced to the magical substance, lavun. I also analyze how to normalize magic in your world, and make it more believable. The Strange but True segment details an unusual ritual that has evolved around Two-Tone-Tam, the skeleton trapped in Ganhook’s dome protection spell. Key Takeaways How to introduce magic in your world. How to think about various levels…

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Season 1 Episode 9 My Great Escape Attempt

In this episode I describe my escape attempt from Ganhook’s fortress. The context section examines how to find balance between the familiar and unfamiliar in your worldbuilding in order to make your unique world relatable. The Strange but True segment tells the story of, Stye Holox, the only escapee from the inescapable Undersea Prison. Key Takeaways. How not to make foolish escape attempts from…

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