I would be eternally grateful if you could take the time to review or rate the Insider Worldbuilding Podcast.


How to leave a podcast review using Apple’s Podcast app

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Insider Worldbuilding.” Tap the album art.

  3. On the podcast page, scroll down and you’ll see where to give a rating of 1-5 stars.

  4. Beneath this you will see where to write a review. Enter your iTunes password to login.

  5. Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.


How to rate a podcast on Spotify

Note that Spotify podcast ratings are only possible on Spotify apps but are not available on web players.

Also, you can only rate a show on Spotify. You cannot review it.

To rate using your iOS or Android app:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your device.
  2. Tap the Search tab, then type the podcast’s name on the search bar; this will lead you to the podcast’s show page. If you are on a specific episode, just tap on the podcast’s thumbnail and title to be redirected back to the show page.
  3. Tap the rating immediately underneath the podcast’s description. Alternatively, tap the More (…) icon, then choose Rate show.
  4. Drag your finger or tap on one of the five stars to leave a rating.

    Many thanks!